لحظة الحرية الحقيقة كالحظة الموت والحياة تأتي مره واحده ولا تتكرر ....

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week 13th-19th May 2024: Understanding the Challenges Faced by Asylum Seekers and Refugee Women

Introduction: As Mental Health Awareness Week unfolds, it's essential to explore the intricate relationship between physical activity and mental well-being, particularly concerning asylum seekers and refugee women. While physical activity is often lauded for its positive impact on mental health, it's vital to acknowledge the unique hurdles encountered by this vulnerable group and the adverse effects on their mental well-being. Drawing from insights provided by reputable sources such as the Mental Health Foundation, this blog aims to shed light on the mental health struggles of asylum seekers and refugee women and the necessity of addressing these challenges within the broader context of mental health awareness. Understanding the Statistics: Data from the Mental Health Foundation (https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/statistics/refugees-asylum-seekers-statistics)reveals concerning trends regarding the mental health of asylum seekers and refugee women. Research indicates that individuals seeking asylum face a significantly heightened risk of mental health issues compared to the general population. Moreover, factors like trauma, displacement, uncertainty, and social isolation amplify the mental health hurdles faced by this demographic. Refugee women, in particular, bear a disproportionate burden, with studies indicating elevated rates of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among this group. The Impact of Trauma and Displacement: The journey to safety for asylum seekers and refugee women is often marred by trauma and adversity, leaving enduring scars on their mental well-being. Many women have endured unspeakable horrors in their home countries, including violence, persecution, and the loss of loved ones. The experience of fleeing their homeland and seeking refuge in a foreign land can exacerbate these traumas, resulting in feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and distress. Additionally, the uncertainty surrounding their asylum status and the challenges of integration into a new society can foster feelings of isolation and hopelessness, further compounding mental health struggles. Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Support: Despite the pressing need for mental health support, asylum seekers and refugee women often encounter significant barriers in accessing appropriate care and services. Language barriers, cultural stigma, lack of awareness about available resources, and fear of deportation or discrimination dissuade many women from seeking help for their mental health concerns. Furthermore, structural inequities within the healthcare system may further marginalise this vulnerable population, leaving them without the necessary support. The Call to Action: As Mental Health Awareness Week 13th – 19th May 2024, prompts us to reflect on the significance of physical activity for mental well-being, it's imperative to acknowledge that asylum seekers and refugee women face unique obstacles in accessing opportunities for physical activity and recreation. Moreover, the detrimental impact of trauma, displacement, and social isolation on their mental health underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions and support services tailored to their needs. In conclusion, as we advocate for greater mental health awareness and support, it's crucial to centre the experiences of asylum seekers and refugee women in these discussions. By acknowledging their challenges and addressing systemic barriers to mental health care, we can strive towards a more inclusive and supportive society where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive mentally and physically.

Monday 13 May 2024

Prioritising Gender-Specific Challenges: Why Focus on Women?

Focusing specifically on women within the asylum process is crucial due to the distinctive challenges, vulnerabilities, and experiences they encounter compared to men. There are multiple reasons why it is imperative to prioritise the needs of women as asylum seekers and refugees: Gender-Based Violence: Women are disproportionately impacted by gender-based violence, encompassing sexual assault, domestic violence, and trafficking, both within their countries of origin and during the asylum journey. Addressing these issues necessitates tailored support services and legal protections. Reproductive Health and Maternal Care: Women may have specific healthcare needs related to reproductive health and maternal care. Access to suitable medical services, including prenatal and postnatal care, is critical to ensuring the well-being of both women and their children. Childcare and Family Responsibilities: Women often shoulder the primary responsibility for childcare and family care, posing particular challenges during the asylum process. Limited access to childcare services and support networks can impede women's ability to navigate asylum procedures and access essential resources. Cultural and Religious Norms: Women may encounter additional barriers stemming from cultural and religious norms dictating their roles and freedoms. These norms can constrain women's mobility, decision-making autonomy, and access to education and employment opportunities. Trauma and Mental Health: Women asylum seekers and refugees may have endured traumatic events, including persecution, violence, and displacement, significantly impacting their mental health and well-being. Access to trauma-informed support services and mental health care is essential for their recovery and resilience. Legal and Protection Concerns: Women may confront gender-specific legal and protection challenges, such as discrimination, gender-based persecution, and limited access to legal representation. Ensuring access to legal aid and protection mechanisms is vital for safeguarding women's rights and ensuring their safety and security. In summary, focusing on women within the asylum process acknowledges and addresses the distinct challenges and vulnerabilities they face due to their gender. By prioritising the needs of women asylum seekers and refugees, policymakers, service providers, and advocacy organisations can devise more targeted and effective interventions that foster gender equality, empower women, and uphold their rights and dignity.

Empowering Refugee and Asylum Seeker Women through Grassroots Initiatives

In the landscape of refugee support services in the United Kingdom, grassroots organisations led by and for refugee and asylum seeker women stand as powerful agents of empowerment, advocacy, and community solidarity. These organisations, rooted in the lived experiences of their members, play a multifaceted role in addressing the unique challenges faced by refugee and asylum seeker women, advocating for policy reforms, supporting academic research, and enhancing service provision. As a researcher and women project cofounder and director intimately connected with this community, I bear witness to the transformative impact of grassroots initiatives and the imperative of amplifying their voices in shaping a more inclusive and equitable society. Central to the mission of grassroots organisations is the cultivation of empowerment and solidarity among refugee and asylum seeker women. These organisations serve as sanctuaries where women find solace, understanding, and support amidst the complexities of displacement and resettlement. Through community-led initiatives, grassroots organisations foster a culture of empowerment, equipping women with the tools and resources to navigate bureaucratic systems, assert their rights, and advocate for systemic change. A significant contribution of grassroots organisations lies in their facilitation of academic research focused on the experiences and needs of refugee and asylum seeker women. Through collaborations with women’s projects and groups, these organisations serve as vital conduits between academia and the community, offering insights, facilitating access to research participants, and shaping research agendas that reflect the lived realities of women on the ground. By engaging with academic research, grassroots organisations contribute to a deeper understanding of the intersecting challenges faced by refugee and asylum seeker women, informing evidence-based policies and practices that address their unique needs. Grassroots organisations also serve as potent advocates for policy and practice reforms that better serve the needs of refugee and asylum-seeking women. Through grassroots advocacy campaigns, community mobilisation efforts, and strategic partnerships with policymakers and service providers, these organisations amplify the voices of women, ensuring that their perspectives are heard and their rights are upheld. By advocating for systemic changes in areas such as access to healthcare, housing, education, and employment, grassroots organisations drive transformative reforms that promote gender equity and social justice. Furthermore, grassroots organisations play a critical role in enhancing the provision of services to refugee and asylum seeker women. By offering culturally sensitive and community-led support services, such as language classes, childcare assistance, and trauma-informed counselling, these organisations address gaps in mainstream service provision and meet the diverse and complex needs of women from diverse cultural backgrounds. As trusted intermediaries between service users and providers, grassroots organisations bridge linguistic and cultural barriers, ensuring that services are accessible, relevant, and responsive to the lived experiences of women. While grassroots organisations encounter challenges such as limited funding, capacity constraints, and institutional barriers, they also present significant opportunities for positive change. By harnessing the collective power of women's voices, fostering networks of solidarity, and leveraging community resources, these organisations have the potential to drive transformative change in the lives of refugee and asylum seeker women and their communities. In conclusion, grassroots initiatives led by and for refugee and asylum seeker women are indispensable components of the refugee support sector, fostering empowerment, advocacy, and community resilience. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of refugee support services in the UK, it is imperative that we recognise and support the vital contributions of these organisations. By investing in grassroots initiatives, amplifying women's voices, and cantering their perspectives in policy and practice, we can cultivate a more inclusive, compassionate, and equitable society where all women, regardless of their immigration status, can thrive and realise their potential.

Experts by Experience: Transforming Service Provision for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Individuals with lived experiences have made invaluable contributions to shaping service provision for asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. Over recent years, there has been an increasing recognition of the importance of incorporating the insights of these experts into service delivery and policy development. Traditionally, the term "expert" has been associated with formal qualifications and training. However, the concept of "experts by experience" acknowledges the expertise gained through personal journeys and the challenges faced by individuals within the asylum system. Experts by Experience are individuals who possess first-hand knowledge of the complexities of the asylum process. Their insights and knowledge, acquired through personal experiences rather than formal qualifications, offer a unique and authentic perspective on the realities of seeking refuge in the United Kingdom. This article delves into the role of experts by experience in enhancing service delivery and shaping policy for asylum seekers and refugees. It explores how their involvement contributes to cultural competence, improves access to services, and informs policy decisions. The Impact of Experts by Experience on Service Delivery Enhancing Cultural Competence: Experts by Experience play a crucial role in enhancing the cultural competence of service providers by offering insights into the diverse backgrounds, languages, and traditions of asylum seekers and refugees. Their feedback enables professionals to better understand and respect the cultural nuances of their clients, leading to more effective and culturally sensitive service provision. Improving Access to Services: By sharing their experiences navigating the asylum system, Experts by Experience highlight barriers to accessing services and advocate for solutions to address these challenges. Their involvement leads to the development of more accessible and inclusive support mechanisms for asylum seekers and refugees. Tailoring Services to Specific Needs: Experts by Experience provide valuable insights into the unique needs and preferences of asylum seekers and refugees, allowing service providers to tailor their offerings accordingly. This results in more targeted and impactful interventions that address the specific challenges faced by this community. Promoting Trust and Empathy: The presence of Experts by Experience fosters trust and empathy between service providers and their clients. Their shared experiences create a sense of solidarity and understanding, facilitating more meaningful and respectful interactions. The Influence of Experts by Experience on Policy Development Advocating for Policy Reforms: Experts by Experience advocate for policy reforms that address systemic challenges and improve the asylum process. Their first-hand experiences inform policy debates and drive effective reform initiatives aimed at enhancing the rights and protections of asylum seekers and refugees. Ensuring Inclusion and Representation: Experts by Experience actively participate in policy-making processes to ensure that the voices of asylum seekers and refugees are heard and represented. Their input helps policymakers understand the real-world impact of proposed policies, leading to more inclusive and equitable decision-making. Shaping Policy Implementation: Experts by Experience contribute to the implementation of policies by providing insights into their practical implications and suggesting changes based on their experiences. Their collaboration ensures that policies are effectively implemented and responsive to the needs of asylum seekers and refugees. Challenges and Limitations of Involving Experts by Experience Potential Bias and Subjectivity: One challenge of involving Experts by Experience is the potential for bias or subjectivity in their perspectives. While their lived experiences are invaluable, it is essential to consider multiple viewpoints and make decisions based on a combination of evidence-based research and professional expertise. Balancing Personal Experiences with Professional Perspectives: Experts by Experience must strike a balance between sharing personal experiences and considering broader professional perspectives. While their insights are essential, it is crucial to supplement them with evidence-based research and professional knowledge to ensure a comprehensive and well-rounded approach. Addressing Power Dynamics and Tokenism: Finally, there is a need to address power dynamics and tokenism when involving Experts by Experience in decision-making processes. It is essential to create inclusive and supportive environments where their views are genuinely respected, and their contributions are taken seriously. In conclusion, the involvement of Experts by Experience is critical in improving services and policies for asylum seekers and refugees in the United Kingdom. By drawing on their unique perspectives and insights, we can develop more inclusive, responsive, and empathetic support systems that meet the needs of this vulnerable population.

Empowering Voices: Advocating for Genuine Inclusion of Experts by Experience (EbE) in Leadership Roles

In today's fast-changing world of service provision for asylum seekers and refugees in the United Kingdom, the voices of those with first-hand knowledge are more important than ever. These Experts by Experience contribute a level of experience and insight that cannot be obtained by formal qualifications alone. Despite the hyperbole around the significance of their efforts, the reality is stark: hurdles continue, preventing many from advancing to top roles in the sector. It is time to face these obstacles front on and argue for the actual inclusion of Experts by Experience in leadership positions. While sectors may emphasise the importance of their views and perspectives, their actions frequently fall short of giving genuine possibilities for progress. Instead, low-wage or part-time jobs are routinely advertised, continuing a cycle of marginalisation and tokenism. The truth is that the knowledge gained via personal experience is important and irreplaceable. This unique perspective cannot be taught in a classroom or through regular educational methods. Despite this, many utilise reasons such as a preference for native speakers or those with past job experience in the UK to dismiss persons with lived experience. This is more than just a problem of fairness; it is also about efficacy. Research has consistently demonstrated that organisations benefit tremendously from diverse leadership teams that reflect the populations they serve. By removing Experts by Experience from leadership positions, we miss out on the opportunity to create more responsive, sympathetic, and effective support systems for asylum seekers and refugees. It's time to confront the current quo and demand meaningful change. It's time to value lived experience and expertise over arbitrary criteria that simply serve to perpetuate the status quo. It is time to realise that leadership is defined not only by official qualifications or professional experience, but also by the ability to empathise, understand, and advocate for those in most need. So let us work together as a sector to ensure genuine inclusion and empowerment of Experts by Experience. Let us develop leadership opportunities that are accessible, equitable, and authentically representative of the communities we serve. Let us use the power of lived experience to spark positive change and create a more just and compassionate society for all.

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Voices of Resilience

Welcome to Voices of Resilience! I'm Dr. Ibtissam Al-Farah, and I'm thrilled to embark on this journey with you as we navigate the complexities of the asylum system and advocate for meaningful change. As a lived experience advocate I bring a unique perspective to the table. With significant work experience in both paid and voluntary roles within this sector, I've had the opportunity to witness firsthand the challenges and triumphs of refugee and asylum seekers' journeys. Through this blog, I aim to share my insights, commentary, and experiences on a wide range of topics, including policies, strategies, and the sectors working directly with and for refugee and asylum seekers. I'm committed to advocating for change, challenging unjust policies, and amplifying the voices of those often unheard. From critical analysis of existing policies to reviews of sector practices, I'll use my insider and outsider perspective to offer constructive criticism and drive positive change. Additionally, I'll shed light on complicated terms and concepts within the sector, such as co-production and shifting power, sharing my experiences and insights to demystify these concepts and empower others to navigate them effectively. Join me on this journey as we celebrate the resilience of asylum seekers and refugee women, challenge unjust policies and practices, and work towards creating a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Monday 19 November 2018

الدراسة في بريطانيا


أحب ان أشارك تجربتي عن التعليم في بريطانيا وهذه التجربة تنبع من كوني قضيت فتره طويلة كطالبه ابتدأ من مرحلة تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية من المرحلة الأساسية حتى مرحلة الدكتوراه في واحدة من أهم الجامعات البريطانية والعالم. إضافة الى ان تجربتي هذه تنبع أيضا من انها ضمن مجال عملي حاليا في بريطانيا في تقديم الخدمات الاستشارية لطلاب الدراسات العليا عبر شركة لافندر إنترناشيونال للاستشارات التعليمية و الاستثمارية   https://lavenderltd.business.site
إذا أتمنى ان يستفيد من يبحث عن المعلومة في هذا المجال من هذا الملخص كما أتمنى ان لا يتردد أحد بالتواصل معنا في أي استشارة في نفس المجال.

١- ايهما أفضل واضمن التعامل مع مكاتب وسيطة للتسجيل في المعاهد والجامعات ام التواصل مباشرة مع هذه المعاهد و الجامعات؟

سؤال مهم يتبادر الى اذهان كل من يرغب في الدراسة في بريطانيا بالذات في موضوع الضمانات في إذا ما كانت هذه المكاتب معتمده او فقط تجار "شنطة". أيضا هناك من صادف ان سمع عن تجارب سيئة شاركها غيره معه وقد تكون الحقيقة وراء هذه التجارب ليست صافية النية. عموما، هناك خياران في التسجيل للدراسة في بريطانيا، الأول هو التواصل مباشرة مع المعاهد والجامعات والثاني عن طريق مكاتب وسيطة. اما عن ماهي الإيجابيات والسلبيات لكل خيار فهي كالتالي: 
مكاتب وسيطة: هناك نوعان من هذه المكاتب، مكاتب داخل بريطانيا و تتعامل مباشرة مع الكليات و المعاهد. و مكاتب خارج بريطانيا تتعامل مع اما المكاتب داخل بريطانيا او لديها عقود مباشرة مع المعاهد و الجامعات. في العموم، يحق للطالب التأكد من نوع العلاقة بين هذه المكاتب و المعاهد او الجامعات التي يتعاملون معها.

الرسوم: ان تقوم هذه المكاتب بمعاملة التسجيل و المتابعة لملف الطالب ليس عمل دقيقة او ساعة بل انه عمل مهم يبدأ من التأكد من ان جميع الوثائق المطلوبة جاهزة و جميع البيانات الشخصية و الاكايمية و المهنية كاملة و أيضا متابعة الملف مع الجهة المختصة. قد تأخذ هذه الإجراءات مع المتابعة من فتره أسبوع الى سته أسابيع حسب نوع الكورس و المستوى. 
بالنسبة للرسوم: بعض المكاتب لديها عقود مباشرة مع المعاهد و الجامعات فتأخذ اضافه للرسوم الإدارية من الطالب تأخذ عمولة من الجهة المتعاقدة معها. و البعض الأخر من المكاتب لا يأخذ أي عمولة فمصدر دخلة الوحيد هو الرسوم الإدارية. الرسوم التي يدفعها الطالب غير مستردة و لا تضمن الحصول على مقعد دراسي او الفيزا. من واجب الطالب التأكد من ان جميع وثائقه صحيحة و قانونية.

الفائدة التي قد يجنيها الطالب بالتعامل مع مكتب وسيط مسجل رسميا هي الخبرة و المهنية التي يمتاز بها المكتب والتي سوف تختصر الوقت و معرفة نوع الوثائق المطلوبة تجنبا للتأخير في الرد على الطالب.

سلبية التعامل مع مكتب وسيط: ان لا يكون مسجل رسميا ضمن قائمة الشركات و المكاتب المعتمدة من الحكومة و بالتالي قد يأخذ المال من الطالب ولا يتواصل معه او يغير أرقامه و يختفى. 

كيف تعرف هذا المكتب من ذاك؟ 
يحق لك ان تسأل عن طبيعة نشاط المكتب و اذا كان مسجل رسمي ام انه يعمل بشكل شخصي بعيدا عن الالتزامات الضريبية للدولة (.(cash in hand

أعلاه توضيح مبسط لكيفية التعامل مع المكاتب الوسيطة لتسجيل الطالب للدراسة في بريطانيا و قد ينطبق ذلك على الدراسة في الخارج بشكل عام. 

٢- ما هي الأوراق او الوثائق المطلوبة للتسجيل؟

لكل مرحلة دراسية وثائق مختلفة ابتدأ من دراسة اللغة الى مرحلة الدراسة الجامعية بكل فروعها ومراحلها. اهم الوثائق: ما يثبت اجاده اللغة الى مرحلة معينه بحسب متطلبات المعهد او الجامعة، جواز سفر ساري المفعول على الأقل لفترة سته اشهر من تاريخ تقديم الطلب، كشف حساب بنكي يغطي فترة الدراسة من حيث تكاليف الكورس و الإقامة خلال فترة الدراسة، التأمين الصحي خلال فترة الدراسة. 
بالنسبة للراغبين في دراسة اللغة فيفضل ان يتقدموا لكورس سته اشهر او سنه او كورسات المدرسة الصيفية لسبب ان كلما كانت الفترة أطول كلما كانت مصداقية التقدم للتعليم افضل عند البت في قرار القبول و الموافقة سواء من معاهد و كليات اللغات او من السفارة عند التقدم للفيزا. 

٣- تكاليف الدراسة الاكاديمية:
كل مرحلة لها تكاليف مختلفة و معتمدة و موثقة و تختلف من معهد الى اخر و من جامعة الى أخرى و من مرحلة دراسية الى أخرى ومن تخصص الى اخر. المعاهد و الجامعات إضافة الى توفير الكورس تقدم خدمة توفير السكن و كورسات لغة تحضيرية للمرحلة الاكاديمية و تختلف الرسوم هنا عن رسوم الدراسة الأساسية. و يحق للطالب ان يعرف كل هذه التفاصيل قبل ان يبدأ في إجراءات التسجيل للالتحاق بالدراسية. مع التأكيد ان هذه الرسوم غير قابلة للمفاوضات مع الجامعات او المعاهد فهي معتمدة رسميا. 

في حالة قبلت الجامعة او المعهد الطالب للدراسة، يطلب مبلغ مقدم كرسوم إدارية و لحجز المقعد للطالب و بالتالي يجب ان يدفع المبلغ المحدد كاملا قبل اصدار خطاب القبول. يحق للطالب ان يسترد المبلغ المدفوع مقدما للجامعة خلال فتره تحددها رسالة القبول و اذا تجاوز الفترة ولم يطلب الغاء تسجيله يحول المبلغ للجامعة ولا يحق للطالب استرجاعه. 
للعلم، خطاب القبول من الجامعة او المعهد يساعد الطالب في استخراج الفيزا ولكن لا يضمن للطالب حصوله عليها كما ان المكتب الوسيط لا يضمن قبول الجامعة للطالب او تقديم أي ضمانات فيما يخص الحصول على الفيزا. 

ملاحظة مهمة: 
في حالة الدراسات العليا، يطلب من الطالب تقديم سيرة ذاتية و مقترح البحث و خطاب عن سبب اختياره لدراسة موضوع البحث و اختيار هذا التخصص و الجامعة و أيضا مقدمة عن الخبرات و المهارات و كيف سوف تساهم هذه المرحلة في التطوير الذاتي و العلمي و المهني للطالب. هذه الوثائق مهمة جدا و يعتمد القبول و الرفض عليها. لذا ننصح ان يتم التأكد من هذه الوثائق جيدا و عدم التردد في طلب المساعدة من متخصصين في هذا المجال. المكاتب الوسيطة قد تكون متعاقدة مع اكاديميين في نفس مجال الدراسة يقدمون هذه الخدمة مقابل مبالغ محددة مع مراعاة الحذر مع من تتعامل في هذه المرحلة. 

نصائح عامة: 
عمل بحث عن الجامعات او المعاهد و التخصص او المرحلة الدراسية المطلوبة قبل التواصل مع الجهات المعنية 
التأكد من جميع الأوراق قبل تسليمها للمكتب الوسيط او للجامعة او للسفارة.
المتابعة مع المكتب الوسيط في التدقيق في كل الوثائق المطلوبة، وطلب الاستشارة بخصوص وثائق المرحلة الاكاديمية. 
لا تصدق أي مكتب يخبرك بأن الفيزا مضمون الحصول عليها، لسبب بسيط ان إجراءات الفيزا تختلف عن باقي الإجراءات ولا يوجد خطاب يوفر ضمانه في هذه المرحلة فالسفارات تعمل مع مكاتب الهجرة و الخارجية اما الجامعات و المعاهد فعلاقتها مع وزارة الداخلية والتعليم العالي.
يحق للطالب ان يحضر عائلته معه خلال فتره الدراسة
يحق للطالب العمل نصف دوام خلال الدراسة 
يحق للطالب الإعفاء من الضرائب خلال فترة اقامته 
يحق للطالب الحصول على بطاقة تخفيض للمواصلات 
يحق للطالب خصم ١٠٪ في معظم الخدمات في المحلات و المطاعم

أعلاه اهم المعلومات في حالة الرغبة في التقديم للدراسة في بريطانيا و غيرها من الدول. 

في حال الرغبة في التواصل لمزيد من المعلومات ibtisam.alfarah@lavenderltd.co.uk